
Geir Ágústs benti á alveg hreint ágæta síðu á netinu, þar sem hægt var að horfa á gamla/nýja sjónvarpsþætti. Eitthvað hafa þessir menn verið að gera vitlaust, því síðunni var lokað hálfum mánuði eftir að ég uppgötvaði hana. Það var mikill harmur.

Eftir mikið grúsk, komst ég að því að Seinfeld er enn til á þessum slóðum:

Seinfeld - Season 1

1. The Pilot
2. The Stakeout
3. The Robbery
4. Male Unbonding
5. The Stock Tip
6. The Ex-Girlfriend
7. The Pony Remark
8. The Jacket
9. The Phone Message

Seinfeld - Season 2

5. The Apartment
6. The Statue
7. The Revenge
8. The Heart Attack
9. The Deal
11. The Chinese Restaurant
12. The Baby Shower
13. The Busboy

Seinfeld - Season 3

1. The Note
2. The Truth
3. The Pen
4. The Dog
5. The Library
6. The Parking Garage
7. The Cafe
8. The Tape
9. The Nose Job
10. The Stranded
11. The Alternate Side
12. The Red Dot
13. The Subway
14. The Pez Dispenser
15. The Suicide
16. The Fix-up
17. The Boyfriend (Part 1)

Seinfeld - Season 4

11. The Contest
12. The Airport
15. The Visa
21. The Junior Mint
22. The Smelly Car

Seinfeld - Season 5

1. The Mango
2. The Glasses
3. The Puffy Shirt
4. The Sniffing Accountant
5. The Bris
6. The Lip Reader
8. The Non Fat Yogurt
9. The Masseuse
10. The Cigar Store Indian
12. The Stall
13. The Marine Biologist
14. The Dinner Party
15. The Pie
18. The Fire
19. The Raincoats 1
20. The Raincoats 2
21. The Opposite
22. The Hamptons

Seinfeld - Season 6

15. The Beard
19. The Fusilli Jerry
23. The Face Painter

Seinfeld - Season 7

7x04. The Wink
5. The Hot Tub
15. The Shower Head
16. The Soup Nazi
20. The Calzon

Seinfeld - Season 8

3. The Bizarro Jerry
4. The Little Kicks
9. The Abstinence
11. The Little Jerry
12. The Comeback
14. The Van Buren Boys
16. The Pothole
18. The Nap
21. The Muffin Tops
22. The Summer Of George

Seinfeld - Season 9

1.The Butter Shave
2. The Voice
3. The Serenity Now
7. The Slicer
10. The Strike
12. The Reverse Peephole
14. The Strong Box
18. The Frogger
20. The Puerto Rican Day


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